New responsive website with custom content managment system (CMS) for the Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus launches.
One of the major challenges facing non-profit organizations is maintaining a consistent web presence that is easy to navigate for visitors. And, just as importantly, a website that is easy to manage for limited staff (or volunteers) who have full plates of work and get stretched in numerous directions.
The Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus (BPC) is one of Western New York’s premier cultural organizations, and they have encountered these sorts of administrative problems—leveraging off-the-shelf cookie-cutter website systems, that fell short of expectations, and posed laborious workflows to keep there site up-to-date.
That’s where Ingenious stepped in. We designed a sophisticated & functional website that presents their offerings in a concise architecture, to allow their interested followers to find info quickly & easily.
And, just as importantly, we tailor-fit a custom content management system (CMS) specifically developed to their particular needs, for making updates from anywhere with an internet connection.