BSA launches a new site to showcase their offerings to the arts community. Simple and visual on the public side, intuitive and easy-to-use on the content management side.
Ingenious is proud to announce the relaunch of the Buffalo Society of Artists (BSA) website — at — replacing the previous site we had created for them back in 2008. Their former website served their organization extremely well for over eleven (11) years—truly a testament to the planning, execution and overall solid codebase we created for them. Unfortunately, older technologies get phased out (including the original Flash-based 3D animation we had originally implemented), and enhanced technologies come to the forefront to make the Internet a better place. Spearheading this improvement in technologies includes the evolution of websites to have responsive layouts {i.e. websites that automatically change their structure and content to adapt to the various screen sizes of the end user}.
As with their previous site, the new website continues to allow their members and followers to keep up do date on the organization’s current news and upcoming events. And, just as importantly, it gives the organization the ability to manage their membership base of over 450 members. The site also allows their users to manage their *own* public-facing profiles (or to have the option to keep their profiles private).

We are pleased to have continued our longstanding relationship with BSA, and are happy that our internet solutions for them have allowed their organization to more easily manage their membership base, and to communicate with the public effortlessly.